A Word Or Two From Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha – April 30, 1947 – Past Daily Reference Room

Abdel Raham Azzam Pasha - what, oh what to do about Palestine.
Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha – what, oh what to do about Palestine.

Click on the link here for Audio Player – United Nations – Interview with Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha – April 30, 1947 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection

As the Post-War World continued on the long road to recovery, and as the Cold War World began to take shape, a wave of independence movements sprang up throughout the areas formerly regarded as colonies by the Allies. One such area where movements were in full bloom was the region of the Middle East. Formerly a complex web of colonies and protectorates, these colonies were seeking independence, and in doing so, created simmering tensions which spilled over into large-scale violence.

In 1947 the hot-button topic was Palestine, and what was going to happen to this former British Protectorate. In March of 1945 The Arab League was formed, consisting of Egypt, Iraq, TransJordan (renamed Jordan in 1949), Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria. As the Independence movement gathered steam, the question arose as to what was going to become of this British protectorate. There was talk of a Jewish state (Israel) being formed. There was talk of Palestine being partitioned. Clearly, it was a time of great upheaval in the region.

The first Secretary General of The Arab league was an Egyptian diplomat, Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha (1945-1952). He was an Egyptian nationalist and one of the foremost proponents of pan-Arab idealism. He was outspokenly opposed to any notion of Palestinian partition.

During his visit to the United Nations, representing the Arab League, Azzam Pasha was briefly interviewed by United Nations radio.

Here is that short interview, conducted on April 30,1947 – the subject is Palestine.

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