Past Daily’s Spring Fundraiser – Update 5


Well . . . maybe not completely freaked out. But . . .
Well . . . maybe not completely freaked out. But . . .


Day 5 and the nail-biting starts. Anything can happen in 25 days, but in the meantime, it’s got Cliff-Hanger written all over it.  Not to alarm you, but we’ve got some heavy-duty bills to pay – bills that could put an end to this site and the archive. And even though we scrape along; driving traffic and promoting as much as humanly possible, we still need to raise enough money for the day-to-day running of this operation – digitizing and preserving the thousands of hours of historic audio and maintaining the equipment to do it. So a couple times a year (okay, we had that emergency 4 months ago) we stage a Fundraiser to keep us up and running until the next Fundraiser. We have to do it, because there is no other support. Ads pay hundredths of cents. 80% of what I make freelancing goes to supporting this site. I believe in what Past Daily is all about, and I’ve been putting my money where my mouth is since I started this site. All I’m asking is for you to join me in what I think is an important cause; keeping history alive and sharing it with as many people as are interested.

But like I said, I can’t do it alone – I need your help if this site and the archive is going to succeed. $15,000 isn’t a staggering amount – it’s modest ; and spread out, it’s a bargain. I’m not asking three of you to contribute $5,000, but I am asking a small percentage of the 1/2 million visitors who have come by since January to kick in $20.00 or less. That’s doable and that’s all I’m asking.
Let’s see – 20 bucks is two tickets to a ho-hum movie, 4 lattes or 2 packs of cigarettes (if you live in New York). 20 bucks doesn’t get what it used to. But it gets a lot for us. 20 bucks can go into rent, equipment, research, remastering, preserving – all kinds of things. And your $20.00 lasts a lot longer than the movie or the latte will.
And the good part is, it’s Tax Deductible – you get to write us off and it becomes a win-win situation.
At the risk of hounding, pleading and cajoling, your contributions go to an important and worthy cause. If you like what you’ve been hearing the past few days or months, chip in a bit to make sure it keeps going. I am here because of you. I want to stay here and keep giving you the best because of you. You’re the reason I’m doing this.
So, please consider heading over to the Indiegogo site and clicking on the Donate button. It takes less than a minute, but it means a lifeline to me.

Click on the link here:

Till next time,
Gordon Skene
Past Daily/Gordon Skene Sound Collection


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