It’s February 1974 – You’re A Teenager – You Live In L.A. – You Have Made Important Discoveries: The Jacuzzi And Flo & Eddie


The Jacuzzi in 1974
Her parents own a Jacuzzi and went to Las Vegas for the weekend. What are the odds?

KROQ AM & FM – Jimmy Rabbitt – Shadoe Stevens With Flo & Eddie – February 10, 1974 – Rob Frankel Collection –

“Whatever you do, don’t blow it”.

It’s been a mantra from your friends ever since you met her.

She likes you. She made the first moves on you. Her girlfriends like you – even her parents like you.

That’s never happened.

She lives at Mt. Olympus in the Hollywood Hills – on good days you can see to the next century, or at least Century City. Her parents have a Jacuzzi and a hot tub. They’re leaving town and heading to Las Vegas for the weekend. She wants you to come over and “hang out in the jacooz”. Your head explodes. It’s a dream – it’s a trick. How did you work this?

Your mind runs through every failed relationship you’ve had since first grade. Never-ever has anyone been interested in you without you falling over yourself to get them to notice. Women have been looking past you and not at you for years. It’s flattering and feels pretty good, but it feels strange at the same time. You keep looking at yourself in the mirror, trying to figure out what happened. You don’t notice anything different – your voice has kind of changed, but it’s you – the same you that’s been stumbling through life since Day One. Only now someone notices.

So you spend the better part of Saturday “getting ready”. You have a two-week supply of condoms stashed in your glove compartment and you’ve gone through at least six different changes of clothes looking for the right combination. You have imaginary conversations and moves going on in your head. Like your friends kept telling you “don’t blow it”. You’re starting to get excited.

You’re a block away from her place and you notice there are a lot of cars parked along the narrow road. It’s Saturday night and it IS party night for a lot of people.

It’s when you finally get to her front door and open it that you realize “hanging out in the jacooz” means you, her and 200 other people, crammed into a steaming, bubbling pool of beer-scented water in the overflowing Jacuzzi, passing joints back and forth, mostly laughing.

Oh yeah, well . . .romance. Maybe next life.

At least there’s Flo & Eddie on your radio as you drive back home. Music’s not gonna let you down.

Never does.

Here’s 90 + minutes of Flo & Eddie, along with Jimmy Rabbitt and Shadoe Stevens during the first incarnation of KROQ (AM & FM) in 1974. Thanks to Rob Frankel for the aircheck.

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