Refugees leaving Germany - as one crisis comes to an end, another one springs up.
Refugees leaving Germany – as one crisis comes to an end, another one springs up: Refugees.
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MBS – Paul Manning News and Comment – May 6, 1945 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

As the world waited for news that Germany had finally, unconditionally surrendered, news was filtering in of mass surrenders, and how pockets of resistance were only going on in two places. How it was only a matter of hours before the War in Europe would be over.

And then there was news of the other crisis looming – the refugees. Already streaming out of Germany by the hundreds of thousands, refugees were clogging roads and highways throughout Europe. The displaced, the homeless, the survivors of Concentration Camps – they were all heading somewhere, and not exactly sure of where.

As the war was ending, these refugees found themselves facing an uncertain future. Allied military and civilian authorities faced considerable challenges resettling them. Since the reasons for displacement varied considerably, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force classified individuals into a number of categories: evacuees, war or political refugees, political prisoners, forced or voluntary workers, Organization Todt workers, former forces under German command, deportees, intruded persons, extruded persons, civilian internees, ex-prisoners of war, and stateless persons.

But on this 6th of May in 1945 (a Sunday), last minute bulletins and the holding of breath, and the beginnings of looking back on the conflict during the early days was what the news was about. And of course, the waiting.

And that’s what this day sounded like, May 6th 1945 as reported by Paul Manning via shortwave from Paris.

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