June 29, 1993 – A Gloomy Forecast – Missiles Over Baghdad – What To Do About Raoul Cedras –

Raoul Cedras
Raoul Cedras – Don’t go away mad, just . . .go away.
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June 29, 1993 – CBS World News Roundup – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

June 29, 1993 – A gloomy assessment from the Commerce Department as the leading economic indicators fell .3% in May. The big drop was due to “consumer expectations”, which tested poorly in May, but financial pundits were dismissive saying all would prove rosy very soon. However, looking at the big picture the analysts weren’t as hopeful, saying things may not turn around until 1994. On top of that, new home sales plunged 21% to their lowest point in over a year.

Equally gloomy was word that the U.S. and Japan hadn’t reached a trade agreement. This amid hopes for something positive to bring to the G-7 economic summit in a week. No such luck. Talks Deadlocked over U.S. demand for numerical targets to open up specific Japanese markets and to reduce Japan’s overall trade surplus. The Japanese criticized the proposal as “managed trade” and took a hard stand against it. Nothing scheduled to resume on the horizon and President Clinton would go to the summit empty handed.

Blasts of rhetoric and vows of revenge were booming out of Baghdad earlier this day in answer to the U.S. missile attack on Iraqi Intelligence Headquarters over the weekend. A predictably defiant tone from Iraq and much TV time devoted to news about Iraqi Army exercises in the desert. Saddam Hussein went out of his way to soft-peddle the attack, saying most of its intelligence gathering capabilities were left intact and that the attacks were a way to boost President Clinton’s sagging popularity. The war of words.

And news from the United Nations over the situation in Haiti was heading into its second day after getting off to a shaky start. U.S. and UN negotiators were busy trying to get Haitian military leaders to get General Raoul Cedras to at least consider stepping down even if elements of his high command remained. Cedras was the de facto leader of Haiti after overthrowing Jean-Bertrand Aristide in a military coup in 1991. Attempts to get Raoul Cedras to step down ran the gamut, but the U.S. waving around a checkbook was getting his attention.

And that’s a small slice of went on, this rather quiet June 29, 1993 as presented by The CBS World News Roundup.

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