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Teatro Massimo Di Palermo With Two Ravel One-Act Operas – Past Daily Mid-Week Concert

Ravel's surreal side.
Ravel’s surreal side.

Click on the link here for Audio Player – Part 1: L’Heure Espagnole

Click on the link here for Audio Player – Part 2: L’Enfant et les Sortileges

Something completely different this week: Opera. Well . . .not the four hour kind. Nobody goes insane, murders family members or has consumption. Two one-act operas by Ravel. One; something of a surreal bedroom farce (without the bedroom, in this case a clock) and the other a surreal exposè about a kid who is just trying to get a nights sleep.

It’s a bit more complicated that that -but those are the broad strokes and, at less than an hour each, pretty painless if you are less than enthusiastic about Opera, but like Ravel. It’s all done by the extremely capable Teatro Massimo di Palermo and was broadcast live from the stage on October 18, 2012 by the venerable RAI Radio 3.

So, with all that said – here is the rundown on the players.



Commedia musicale in un atto di Franc-Nohain

Musica di Maurice Ravel

Concepcion,  Marina Comparato

Gonzalve,  Filippo Adami

Torquemada, Aldo Orsolini

Ramiro, Alessandro Luongo

Don Inigo Gomez, Andrea Concetti



Fantaisie lyrique in due parti di Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette

Musica di Maurice Ravel

L’Enfant, Marina Comparato

Maman, La Tasse chinoise, La Libellule,  Sonia Prina

La Bergère, La Chatte, L’Ecureuil, Un Pâtre,  Cristina Melis

Le Feu, La Princesse, Le Rossignol, Maria Grazia Schiavo

La Chauve-Souris, La Chouette, Une Pastourelle, Maria Chiara Pavone

Le Fauteuil, Un Arbre, Andrea Concetti

L’Horloge Comtoise, Le Chat, Alessandro Luongo

La Théière (Wedgwood noir), Le Petit Vieillard, La Rainette, Filippo Adami

Orchestra, Coro, Coro di voci bianche e Corpo di Ballo del Teatro Massimo

direttore, Yves Abel

regia e coreografia, Luciano Cannito

scene e costumi, Altan

Registrato il 18 ottobre 2012 al Teatro Massimo di Palermo

The announcements are in Italian and the opera is in French. But don’t let that bother you if you aren’t fluent in either.

It’s the music that matters anyway.


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