
The Vaccines – Bourges 2013 – Past Daily Morning Soundbooth

Well, now that Festival season is up and rolling, adjusting schedules, setting timers, studying lineups and crossing fingers that the multi-tasking doesn’t overload the computer has become a full-time task. But seriously, it’s worth it. This year promises to be…

A Celebration At The UN And A Coup In Argentina – June 19, 1955


While the UN was preparing to celebrate 10 years as a peacemaking body on the 20th of June, a military coup was going on in Argentina, with a plan to oust Juan Pèron. this day in June 1955. On 16…

Refugees – The World Watches – The World Weighs In – June 18-20, 2018


– June 18-20, 2018 – News Reports from RFI-English Service – ABC Radio National, Australia – BBC World Service – Gordon Skene Sound Collection – Refugees and the Crisis in Immigration – With the events of the week still unfolding,…