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Sizarr – Live In Paris – 2013 – Nights At The Roundtable: Rock Without Borders Edition

Electronica meets Post-Punk and comes over the border from Germany.
Sizarr – Electronica meets Post-Punk and comes over the border from Germany.

Click on the link here for Audio Player – Sizarr – live in Paris – recorded Nov. 22, 2013 – RFI-Le Mouv`

Over to Paris tonight for a set by German post-Punk/Electronica band Sizarr, who opened for Vampire Weekend on this show, recorded this past November 22nd.

Around for only a few years, and primarily getting their audience following in Europe at the moment, Sizarr obviously have bigger things planned. And judging by their reception, are probably ready to make the trek across the channel to the UK and eventually head across the big pond to the U.S.

In the meantime, here they are as they sounded a little over 2 weeks ago.

Enjoy and play loud.

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