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Unemployment At All-Time Low – Crash-Test Dummies At All Time High – May 5, 2000

Didn't have much say in the matter.
Didn’t have much say in the matter.

. . . or click on the link here for Audio Player – CBS World News Roundup – May 5, 2000 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection

Not an earth-shattering news day, this May 5th in 2000 (let’s face it; not every day in history is earth-shattering), but one with some good news going for it.

It was revealed the Unemployment rate was at its lowest in 30 years. 3.9% and a booming economy the country hadn’t seen since 1970. All this, and an eye on the Federal Reserve over a possible rise in Interest rates. Depending on whether or not the Stock Market decided to suddenly take a dive, in which case the rate would stay a 1/4 of 1%. If the Stock Market decided to skyrocket, the Interest rate was expected to increase at least half a point. At broadcast time the Dow was up.

Meanwhile, new Crash Test Dummies were on their way to test airbags, which the auto industry was readjusting to open at speeds of 25 mph, not 30 as was the standard before. The older Airbags were opening with explosive power and in danger of killing children, and the Auto Industry was trying to adjust for that. Consumer groups were complaining that the Department of Transportation was knuckling under to pressure from the Auto Industry and Insurance groups, claiming lobbyists were more interested in cutting corners than insuring safety.

The infamous Love Bug computer virus was reported to be losing its bite as Network service providers were pinpointing the source of the virus – and it was pointing in the direction of a 23 year-old Male in Manila. Safeguards were in place, but concerns were voiced that copycat viruses would be arriving soon.

A warning from the maker of the Breast Cancer drug Herceptin was sent to doctors warning them the drug had been linked to 15 deaths and adverse reactions in dozens of other patients. It wasn’t clear at this point whether the drug was directly responsible for the deaths, but Genentech, the manufacturer of the drug issued the warning while tests were being conducted.

The protestors evicted from the Puerto Rican island of Vieques, which was being used by the U.S. military, were vowing to return. But the Military placed a security net around the island to prevent the protestors from coming back and continuing their call for the Navy to leave the island. Vieques was being used for bombing practice which the local residents were claiming the Navy was testing Cancer-causing chemicals.

And the third longest game ever played in the NHL finally finished in the early hours as the Pittsburgh Penguins and Philadelphia Flyers battled it out into a fifth overtime. The Philadelphia Flyers finally won the play-off game.

That’s just a slice of what went on, this otherwise normal May 5th in 2000 as presented by The CBS World News Roundup.

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