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Past Daily Fall Fundraiser – Communique #16

"We like Past Daily so much, we emptied out the Bank account".
“We like Past Daily so much, we emptied out the Bank account”.


Day #17 – 14 days left and only 6% of our goal reached. Two weeks for miracles to happen – well, they’ve happened before – most people like cliff-hanger endings; the final dash to the finish line, victory plucked from the jaws of defeat – that sort of thing. To me sitting here, it’s just nail-biting, trying to figure out what to say, what to do, how to convince those of you who are still on the fence, that Past Daily is worth your investment. Just the other day, I ran something I had doubts about; it didn’t sound very good, and I’m very concerned that history be presented in the best possible light – getting it away from the dim-distant/scratchy sounding artifact of antiquity and presenting in a way that makes it current and immediate. But it was a crucial piece of history – a pivotal point in time in our culture, which represented so many things, crammed into a space of 90 minutes. It was an extract of the day on October 16, 1965 as heard over Top-40 radio as aired on three radio stations in Los Angeles, switched back and forth by the unknown person recording it. A simple slice of history from a typical day in the mid-1960s. But it’s become hugely popular, and traffic has gone through the roof this past weekend because of it. It’s one of hundreds of such recordings in my archive, and its one of the thousands of examples of history I offer via Past Daily.

History, Pop Culture, Music, News, Interview, life-changing events, earth-shattering moments and the ordinary, unremarkable day-to-day moments that pass by unnoticed at the time, yet grow in importance over the years. That’s what Past Daily is all about.
And that’s why I’m here this time each year; to ask you to make a contribution, tell your friends, bring people over – help us continue to do what we’ve been doing the past three years; every day, several times a day – bringing you the best and the rarest of history and pivotal moments. I’m not asking a lot – a little bit from all of you who are reading this, to help us continue making it all possible. The hours and days spent restoring and digitizing and preserving the thousands of hours of broadcasts and studio recordings. So I’m asking you to consider a pledge, a contribution, no matter how large of small – so we can keep this going.  Make it a monthly pledge of $20.00 or a one-time only pledge of $50.00 – whatever works for you and your budget – it’s all crucial and it’s all needed. Please do what you can.

It’s easy – just click on the link in the box below and make your pledge – takes about a minute – you can donate in any currency or form you want – you can even donate recordings – it’s all Tax Deductible and it all goes straight into keeping Past Daily up and running – all day/every day.

Until next time,


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