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January 6, 2000 – Much Ado About Gonzalez

Elian Gonzalez
Elian Gonzalez – flashpoint for a public and political tug-of-war.

January 6, 2000 – CBS World News Roundup – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

January 6, 2000. The big news was coming from Little Havana in Miami this day, where the political tug-of-war over Elian Gonzalez was heating up. Demonstrations were gathering momentum and protestors were getting more violent and vocal. The issue was over Gonzalez being sent back to Cuba after being rescued when the boat he and his mother were attempting to reach the U.S. in sank, drowning his mother and leaving young Elian in the care of relatives. The INS secured a court ruling in favor of Elian being sent back to Cuba, where his father was still living. But relatives, and now a growing crowd of protestors, were vocally opposing such a move. This latest protest had demonstrators tying up traffic, resulting in several being injured when drivers lost patience. So far, there had been some 80 arrests and a vow from the Cuban-American community to continue and step-up the protests, in an effort to keep Gonzalez in the U.S. with his cousins.

And there was other news – On Wall Street, the NASDAQ was reporting a big downturn from the Tech community, with a 4% loss in Tech stocks and a big hit in the Market. Analysts were saying it was no surprise as there was so much momentum in trading Technology stocks over the previous few years that they would inevitably being taking a sell-off hit at some point. Also contributing was a case of nerves over higher interest rates reducing the money pouring into the Market. It was wait-and-see where this would wind up.

And the Clintons were now New Yorkers, after spending the night in their new Chappaqua home. President Clinton switched his voter registration from Arkansas to New York, so he can cast a ballot for Hillary, who was running for the Senate. The Clintons began unpacking belongings in their $1.7 million house that gives Mrs. Clinton the New York address she needs to run for office.

And that’s just a small slice of what went on, this January 6, 2000 as presented by The CBS World News Roundup.

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