Before We Were So Rudely Interrupted . . . . .

The Perplexing nature of things
The perplexing nature of things.

As most of you know our site was, not necessarily hacked, but somehow went crazy. First puling us off-line and then crashing our server. Basically, in the midst of everything, we were interrupted. It has been a week of pandemonium – phone calls back and forth to hosts – lots of head-slapping – not much sleep and a whole lot of fear that seven years worth of posts had vanished into thin air. That wouldn’t be the worst of it, but it had to come right in the middle of a Fundraiser, a rather crucial one where much of the work for the rest of the year depends on. While contributors and interested parties were clamoring for answers, I had none to give. And being told by the powers-that-be that “everything will be up in no time”, was cold comfort as readers and listeners went off to other places and did other things. My only hope is that you all come back because, well . . .there are some 7,000 posts to dig through (so far) and the archive is many years away from having everything up and available. So while we’ve been interrupted, there is some tweaking and dousing flaming embers, Past Daily is, for the most part, back up and running. I cannot thank all of you who wrote in with concerns and how many of you weren’t daunted by the vanished site to continue contributing and telling your friends. It has made all the difference in the world and I am beyond grateful to have so many of you on my side. So, while I play “catch-up” and while our host continues crossing t’s, dotting i’s an tightening screws, I will be putting up as much as I can over the next few hours. Stay tuned!

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