November 4, 2002 – Even On An Off-Year, Stumping – The 2002 Midterm Elections

President Bush - Vote-stumping
President Bush – even in an off-year, elections proved crucial and were nail-biters.
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November 4, 2002 – The final day of campaigning for this off-year election. Leaving nothing to chance, President Bush did a criss-cross tour of the U.S., stumping for GOP candidates in an effort to gain an advantage on Capitol Hill. Starting the day with a rally in Iowa before heading to Missouri and Arkansas before heading home to Texas and a rally later on in the evening in Dallas. The day before, Bush was in Minnesota, where he called upon voters to put aside their grief over a fallen Senator and turn out to vote the next day. Senator Paul Wellstone, a popular figure in Minnesota politics was killed in an airplane crash only nine days earlier.

For their part, Democrats took to the Weekend talkshows stumping support over the economy.

In other news, Amnesty International issued a report this day, alleging Israeli Defense forces committed war crimes during offenses into the West Bank in April of this year. The Israeli military said the offenses were launched in self-defense in response to Palestinian attacks on Israeli civilians.

And a strong earthquake shut down the Alaska Pipeline. The line supplies the west coast with about a million barrels of oil a day. The magnitude 7.9 quake hit interior Alaska the day before at noon, sending shelves and forcing people outside. It was centered on the Denali Fault, about 50 west of the Pipeline corridor. Alaska pipeline officials said they shut down the pipeline soon after. They launched helicopters to inspect damage and had found one area where the line had fallen off its supports. The 800 mile line was 25 years old. It was designed to withstand a magnitude 8.5 quake. Officials said no oil was spilled, but they said they didn’t know when the oil would be flowing again.

And that’s just a little of what went, this otherwise normal November 4, 1980 as presented by NPR News.

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