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It’s December 1966 – You’re In High School – You Live In L.A. – You’re In A Band – You Know 7 and 7 Is By Heart.

Garage band '66
1966: And your band has been kicked out of every garage in Santa Monica.

– KBLA – Humble Harve – December 17, 1966 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

It’s December 1966. You have this band; The Bow-Tiks. You’ve been practicing ever since you got your bass last Christmas. There’s six of you. Three Rhythm Guitarists and nobody can quite sing. You’re all in debt up to your eyeballs because you got money last year for Christmas from your folks and ran down to Sol Betnun’s to get your instruments. You spend your weekends practicing, mostly Dave Clark 5 songs because The Beatles are a little too complicated. But you’ve run out of garages to practice in because the neighbors have complained to your parents. So you play at practically no volume, and the drummer has towels covering the drum skins. You can’t really tell exactly how you sound, but you can’t really turn up to hear. But you practice anyway. You recognize some notes.

This year, your lead guitarists girlfriend’s cousin, who lives in Studio City, is having a Christmas party and wants your band to play. She said her dad offered to pay the band $50 for the night. You know four songs, including Love’s 7 & 7 Is. You stand in front of the bathroom mirror and practice your moves. You’ve met your lead guitarist’s girlfriend’s cousin. You have to take a trip to Hollywood to Sy Devore‘s on Vine and buy some cool clothes, since you got some Christmas money a little early this year. You’re wondering if you should have a British accent, or just stare at the floor a lot. You’re wondering if you can get away with playing the same four songs all night. Paisley shirt and wide Corduroys with green suede boots. That works.

December 1966 – Humble Harve, or Brother Harve or Harvey Miller, is holding court on KBLA – spinning discs to midnight. Here is 90 minutes worth of Harvey Miller recorded December 17th, 1966.

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