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The Gulf War Buildup – The Ricin Scare – The Bluster That Is North Korea – January 11, 2003

The view from Iraq
The view from Iraq – Saddam had a fan club. Anticipating a Gulf War.

News From BBC Radio 4 – January 11, 2003 – BBC Radio – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

Goings on in the world this day, as seen from across the ocean with a different set of eyes. In this case, BBC Radio 4. Starting off with reports that four men from North Africa had been arrested in London on suspicion of terrorism offenses with the discovery of the poison Ricin in a flat in London as well as fake documents and much terrorist paraphernalia. Relations between America and North Korea were at another low point, with North Korea announcing the decision to resume missile testing based on accusations that the U.S. had nullified all existing treaties regarding testing. Reports from Pyongyang said North Korea had already withdrawn from the non-Proliferation Treaty and a huge rally was being held in a show of support for the government’s stand. Despite causes for alarm, there was also optimism that a solution to this latest roadblock in relations would be solved. Diplomatic talks between the U.S. and North Korea was taking place.

Britain was sending the aircraft carrier Arc Royal to the Gulf in anticipation of another confrontation with Iraq. The carrier left port earlier in the day, leading the largest naval contingent from Britain since the Falklands War of 1982. Fifteen other vessels were expected to join the Carrier in the coming days including Destroyers, support ships and a nuclear submarine capable of firing Cruise Missiles. In addition, the American military added an additional 35,000 personnel to be deployed to the Gulf along with fighter planes and assault ships. The latest number brings the buildup of troops to around 120,000, approaching the minimum number of troops needed for an attack. Anti-war groups were planning rallies in protest to the potential Gulf War all around Europe, hoping to head-off yet another military confrontation in the Middle East.

And aside from news of the impending Gulf War, a lot of other news was going on throughout the world this January 11, 2003 from BBC Radio 4 News.

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