Charles Lloyd – Live At The Charlie Festival 2011 – Past Daily Downbeat

Charles Lloyd at The Charlie Festival, July 1, 2011 - Still sayin' it.
Charles Lloyd at The Charlie Festival, July 1, 2011 – Still sayin’ it.

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Digging into some recent-past Festival concerts this month. This one featuring the legendary Charles Lloyd in concert at The Charlie Jazz Festival, recorded on July 1, 2011.

Lloyd has been around for a while, and he’s still at it and still as fresh and exploratory as he was some 30+ years ago. Gratifying to know and further evidence Jazz continues to bring new ideas to the forefront.

Recorded by the always-amazing Radio France Musique for their week-nightly Open Jazz series, this is just one example and a huge reason to bookmark radio outlets like France Musique, and the vast reservoir of other like-stations currently making these treasures available on a daily basis to listeners.

I can’t urge you enough to get out there and explore. Do not let the language barrier prevent you from hitting the browse icon. Google Translate works wonderfully well and you will be inundated by some of the best and most enriching concerts and music on earth. You owe it to yourself. And I will keep reminding you.

In the meantime, here is Charles Lloyd, complete with pre-concert interview and nearly 90 minutes of soul searching music.

Crank it up and enjoy. Festival season is upon us and the flood gates are about to open. Stay tuned.

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