July 11, 2001 – Controversy Over Stem Cell Research – Buying Prescription Drugs Overseas – Olympic Nail-Biting In China

Stem Cell
The little Stem Cell that could.
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July 11,2001 – Busy day on Capitol Hill, starting with new controversies over Stem Cell research. The issue of Stem Cell embryonic research grew more complicated with an announcement from Doctors at Eastern Virginia Medical School. Instead of harvesting Stem Cells from embryos left over after fertility treatments, they’ve created embryos using eggs and sperm specifically donated for research. Critics said the scientists have gone too far, saying they haven’t made a strong case yet for why we need specially created embryos as opposed to spare embryos. And until that case was made, they didn’t see why the leap into doing this was necessary. The controversy came at a critical time when President Bush was to weigh a critical decision on stem cell research and the latest issue, according to the White House, perfectly explained the deep complexities about stem cell research.

The issue of Prescription drugs and their affordability was a hot button topic on Capitol Hill. Proposals on the issue came hot on the heels of President Bush proposing a dramatic overhaul of Medicare that included prescription drug discount cards for Senior citizens. With an eye towards helping all Americans cope with the high price of Medicine, the House voted to let individuals import drugs from other countries where they’re cheaper. Just a day after the Bush Administration acted to continue blocking Americans from buying drugs overseas citing safety worries, the House voted overwhelmingly to let U.S. consumers fill their prescriptions by mail order from Canada or Europe where prices were lower. The House turned down an amendment from Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders that would have allowed wholesalers buy medicines overseas and pass the savings on to consumers in their stores.

The Senate and House voted overwhelming not to allow coal mining or oil and natural gas drilling on Western lands designated National Monuments.

And China was on the edge of its collective seat as the IOC’s final decision where the 2008 Summer Olympics were going to be played was coming within the next day or two. Enthusiasm was coming in the form of one man riding a motorcycle 3500 miles from Tibet to Beijing carrying pro-Olympic banners signed by thousands of people, and more than a thousand Chinese women and girls used their own hair to braid a pigtail that was 2008 yards long.

That’s just a small slice of the news that went on, this July 11, 2008 as presented by The CBS World News Roundup, Late Edition.

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