September 6, 1975 – Amid Assassination Attempts, Optimism In The Middle-East – Busing, Two Years On

Egypt's Anwar Sadat And Family - 1975
Anwar Sadat and family – playing literal backgammon while the political/metaphoric one was working out.
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September 6, 1975 – Busy news week. With the attempted assassination (the second one in so many weeks), President Ford was starting to wonder about laid-back California, but it wasn’t deterring him from making public appearances and “pressing the flesh” which he insisted on doing, no matter what the risks.

While the issue of guns and assassination attempts was being addressed, the issue of a pending peace in the Middle-East was getting an optimistic push by way the signing of an interim Sinai Accord. Egyptian and Israeli sources were feeling good about a potential settlement in age-old disputes, despite some vehement displeasure on the parts of both the Israeli and Arab hardliners, particularly those hardliners in Syria, Iraq and the PLO. Still, the pending settlement was cause for at least an easing of anxieties for both sides for the time being. The optimism was cautious, like most everything in the Middle-East is, but it was optimism nonetheless.

Meanwhile, Portugal was undergoing some long-expected changes. The overthrow of pro-Communist General Vasco Gonsalvez took place and the country appeared to have relaxed. The Communists failed to push an agenda on a country that was favoring moderation and not extremism. The ouster didn’t mean Portugal was free of problems; there were thousands of Angolan refugees waiting to get in as well as a host of other problems; the economy, the unemployment and the Colonies still under Portuguese rule.

An earthquake rattled through Turkey and officials were still sifting through unofficial casualty counts and arriving at the figure that some 1800 persons had died. It was feared that, once the casualty reports come in from the remote regions, that number will go considerably higher, potentially topping 3,000.

And in Louisville Kentucky, the nations largest desegregation school busing program went into effect and reports of widespread violence and protests a force of almost 1,000 police and national guard were standing by in case further violence was touched off. Ironically, this day marked the second year of School Busing in Boston, ground Zero for the current rash of protests.

And that’s a small slice of what happened for this week, ending on September 6, 1975 as reported by The World This Week from CBS Radio,

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