July 13, 1974 – Breaking Out In Handcuffs – Nixon And Ehrlichman – Funeral For A Justice.

John Ehrlichman and Boss – Before the detritus hit the winnow.
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The Washington Week – News for July 13, 1974 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection

This day in 1974 came at the end of a week that saw the Watergate scandal come to a rolling boil. In the latest wave of setbacks for the Nixon White house, former Nixon aide John Ehrlichman was found guilty for his role in the Daniel Ellsberg break-in case. Ehrlichman’s lawyers said they would appeal. Another Nixon Aid, Charles Colson was heading to jail. The infamous “19-minute gap” in crucial Nixon tapes was given over to intense scrutiny and was heading to the Supreme Court for sorting out. And to top it all off, the long-awaited Watergate Report, clocking in at 3 volumes and 2200 pages, was released and pored over by a shell-shocked press corps.

Much of the material released had been made public previously, and there were no startling disclosures. But the 4,133‐page record showed a pattern of concern by Mr. Nixon and his aides, reaching back to within two weeks after the break‐in, about possible further revelations.

One of the most important pieces of new information was a taped conversation on June 30, 1972—barely two weeks after the Watergate burglary—in which Mr. Nixon expressed the hope that there would be no further disclosures but conceded there was such a risk.

No Conclusions Given

The information released by the House Committee consisted of eight thick volumes of factual statements and supporting documents. The committee gave no conclusions in the material, which was the first of seven installments in the planned release of virtually all of the evidence on which Congress will ultimately decide whether Mr. Nixon is fit to continue in office.

And with all that came the news that former Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren had died. His memorial and burial finished up the week.

All that and more, but hardly anyone noticed, via The Washington Week with Neil Strawser from CBS Radio on July 13, 1974.

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