July 20, 1945 – The Resistance In China – View Over Canton

Chinese resistance to Japan - 1945
With rumors of a pending allied invasion, Chinese resistance was making considerable progress.

July 20, 1945 – Shortwave news report by Bob Brumby, reporting near Canton, China – Mutual – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

July 20, 1945 – As news spread that war in the Pacific would be over soon, resistance forces grew in strength in China, pushing hard against the Japanese occupation forces, and seizing control in many areas.

By the end of 1944 Chinese troops under the command of Sun Li-jen attacking from India, and those under Wei Lihuang attacking from Yunnan, joined forces in Mong-Yu, successfully driving the Japanese out of North Burma and securing the Ledo Road, China’s vital supply artery. In Spring 1945 the Chinese launched offensives that retook Hunan and Guangxi. With the Chinese army progressing well in training and equipment, Wedemeyer planned to launch Operation Carbonado in summer 1945 to retake Guangdong, thus obtaining a coastal port, and from there drive northwards toward Shanghai.

In the last phase of the war, from early 1944 to August 1945, some help was beginning to come to China from the outside, chiefly from the United States. War matériel was being flown from India, and Chinese pilots and mechanics were being trained. Japanese strongholds were bombed by U.S. and Chinese planes. In India the United States also was training and equipping Chinese forces that had taken refuge there after the fall of Burma.

This shortwave report, by Mutual newsman Bob Brumby details a flight over Hong Kong and nearby Canton, reflecting on how much territory had been retaken by Chinese forces judging by the number of city lights below, during the pre-dawn hours.

Here is that (rather short) report as given by Mutual correspondent Bob Brumby on July 20, 1945.

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