August 4, 1994 – Belgrade Breaks Ties With Serbs – Clinton Health And Crime Plans – Three-In-A-Row On Death Row

Arkansas Death chamber
Death Row in Arkansas – Three Beds – No Waiting.
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August 4, 1994 – CBS World News Roundup – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

August 4, 1994 – News from Belgrade, Capitol Hill and Death Row this day. From Belgrade, word that ties were being broken with defiant Bosnian Serb brethren. Yugoslavia was reported to be severing all tries with the Bosnian Serbs for having rejected, for a third time, an international peace plan. The Yugoslav Government consisting of Serbia and Montenegro claimed it was going to bar entry to Serb Rebel leaders and close its borders except for deliveries of food and medicine. The Bosnian Serbs had relied on Belgrade for arms and supplies during their 20 month war and it wasn’t clear how it was going to affect them – some observers felt this new wrinkle was only going to make the situation worse.

Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill – President Clinton indicated in a News conference the previous evening that the situation in Haiti, which was spiraling out of control, was being monitored and the President did not rule out a U.S. force coming ashore on the strife-torn island/nation. The news conference was also being used by the President to bring up the subject of his Crime bill and his direct appeal to the American people to pressure Congress into action over his proposal for a Healthcare bill. Many saw this as an attempt by the President to shore up sagging support, whiles others applauded these impromptu press conferences as something he should be doing more often.

And in the first triple execution in the country since 1962, Arkansas put to death three men who murdered a prominent businessman in front of his family in 1981.

Beginning at 7 P.M., the death row executions by lethal injection took place about an hour apart in a small concrete-block room here at the Cummins Unit of the state prison system. Hoyt Franklin Clines, 37, then Darryl V. Richley, 43, and finally, James William Holmes, 37, were each in turn strapped onto the same gurney to be carried to the death chamber and injected with a fatal mixture of chemicals.

The first to face execution was Mr. Clines. Asked if he had any last words, he replied, “Nope.”

He was pronounced dead at 7:11 P.M. Fifty-eight minutes later, Mr. Richley died on the same gurney. Asked if he had any last words, he said, “No.”

Mr. Holmes was pronounced dead at 9:24 P.M. He also said, “No,” when asked if he had any last words.

Arkansas prison officials argued that the multiple executions were more efficient and produced less strain on prison workers than individual executions. “Nobody wants to get up in the morning and go kill somebody,” said Alan Ables, a spokesman for the Correction Department.

And that’s a little of what happened, this August 4, 1994 as presented by The CBS World News Roundup.

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