Beck – Live At Big Weekend – Belfast – 2018 – Past Daily Soundbooth

Beck - Big Weekend - Belfast - 2018
Beck – Big Weekend – Belfast – 2018

Beck – live at Big Weekend, Belfast – May 25, 2018 – BBC6 Music –

Beck in concert for Hump Day – recorded by the venerable BBC 6 Music at Big Weekend – 2018 – on May 25th of that year.

Thanks Wikipedia:

Beck began life in a rooming house near downtown Los Angeles. As a child, he lived in a declining neighborhood near Hollywood Boulevard. He later recalled, “By the time we left there, they were ripping out miles of houses en masse and building low-rent, giant apartment blocks.” The lower-class family struggled financially, moving to Hoover and Ninth Street, a neighborhood populated primarily by Koreans and Salvadorian refugees. He was sent for a time to live with his paternal grandparents in Kansas, later remarking that he thought “they were kind of concerned” about his “weird” home life. Since his paternal grandfather was a Presbyterian minister, Beck grew up influenced by church music and hymns. He also spent time in Europe with his maternal grandfather.

Beck’s musical style has been considered alternative and indie. He has played many of the instruments in his music himself. Beck has also done some remixes for fellow artists, notably David Bowie and Björk. He has been known to synthesize several musical elements together in his music, including folk, psychedelia, electronic, country, Latin music, hip hop, funk, soul, blues, noise music, jazz, and many types of rock. He has also taken music from Los Angeles as a reference point in his songs.

Pitchfork Media applauded Midnite Vultures, saying, “Beck wonderfully blends Prince, Talking Heads, Paul’s Boutique, ‘Shake Your Bon-Bon’, and Mathlete on Midnite Vultures, his most consistent and playful album yet.” The review commented that his mix of “goofy piety and ambiguous intent” helped the album. A Beck song called “Harry Partch”, a tribute to the composer of the same name and his “corporeal” music, employs Partch’s 43-tone scale.

Hit the play button and crank it up. Loud works.

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