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Retro Video Club – Live At Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2021 – Past Daily Soundbooth – Music In The Time Of COVID.

Retro Video Club - Edinburgh Festival 2021
Retro Video Club – Some things Pandemics will never stop.

Retro Video Club – live at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2021 – August 20, 2021 – BBC Radio Scotland –

Retro Video Club – live at Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2021 and broadcast by BBC Scotland on August 20th. With restrictions being eased, some Summer festivals have been making the most of an abbreviated season and offering scaled back versions of what would be happening during a normal year. Edinburgh Festival, one of the biggest and certainly most widely encompassing festivals in the world got underway. Certainly no spirits were dampened, if this crowd reaction was any indication. It sounded like a collective sigh of relief, albeit a cautious one. Retro Video Club closed out the first night at the BBC Scotland Introducing Stage, and for a few minutes, it sounded like COVID never happened.

Retro Video Club are an indie rock band from Edinburgh. The group is comprised of Liam Allison (lead vocals, guitar), Kieran Burt (drums, backing vocals), Michael Ward (bass), and Sam McGill (guitar).

Their debut EP, Back to Normality, was released on September 19, 2015. Since that time the group have released a number of singles which have boosted their profile, including their biggest hit to date, “Psycho”.

The pandemic has put a damper on a lot of things, but some bands are making the most of the situation by recording and plotting next moves. For their part, Retro Video Club have a new EP coming out and are planning on some touring around the UK starting in October. It’s all small steps, but the audience is growing and their reputation is a positive one.

If we can all make it to 2022, it should be an amazing year. Fingers crossed we do.

In the meantime – BBC Scotland have outdone themselves with this roaring festival gig, which should give you some indication what to expect when things get moving again.

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