The Charioteers – 1942 – Past Daily Nights At The Round Table – Musical Archeology

The Charioteers – little did they know they’d be setting the wheels in motion for Doo-wop.

The Charioteers – Swing For Sale + – 1942 – Standard Transcription Library – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

Since this nightly series of music posts goes under the title Nights At The Roundtable (night being that thing at the end of the day and Roundtable being that turntable that spins at 33, 45 and 78 rpms), I realize I have been remiss in playing recordings from way back in history. Not for any reason, aside from being lazy.

Well, tonight I hope to at least start to remedy that situation by offering a group of recordings made exclusively for radio by that forerunner of Doo-Wop, The Charioteers.

Occasionally lumped in with other Gospel acts at the time, or relegated to the “race” section of most record stores, The Charioteers were nonetheless a very popular vocal group from the 1930’s all the way to the late 1950’s. Their intense vocal harmonies and their “Human Orchestra” approach made them hugely popular and enduring hits on the radio.

They recorded a considerable amount, mostly for the Columbia label. Although they did record for a number of Transcription companies and it’s one of those sessions I’m featuring tonight.

Here’s a group of tracks they recorded for The Standard Radio Program Transcription Service from 1942:

1. Swing For Sale
2. With Every Breath I take
3. Dinah

The discs may sound a bit beaten up, but the vocals, like The Charioteers, are well worth the price of admission.

And the archeological dig continues. . . .

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