May 6, 1942 – Fall And Surrender Of Corregidor – Critical Situation In Madagascar – Tire And Gas Rationing Coming Up.

Surrender at Corregidor
Fall of Corregidor – a bitter but not entirely unexpected pill to swallow.

May 6, 1942 – Alka-Seltzer News Of The World – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

May 6, 1942 – a dismal day for the Allies with news of the capitulation and surrender of Corregidor, a staunchly defended island and one of the last allied strongholds in the Philippines. Although Japanese attacks had steadily increased to the point it was almost impossible to mount a reasonable resistance, there was still flagging optimism that some last minute counter-attack would save the beleaguered fortress.

It was finally announced that commanding General Wainright saw the situation as hopeless and surrendered to the Japanese invaders, along with some 7,000 defenders among them some 3,845 U.S. Army and Navy and Marine personnel. General Wainright opted to stay with the garrison and not escape. It was also reported that there was still stiff resistance by American troops on Mindanao Island. But that was only a matter of time.

The surrender of Corregidor served as a bitter blow to the Allies in the South Pacific, but it also solidified opposition to the Japanese with a steady increase in Allied air activity and intensifying successes in the air war. The Soviet Press wrote that it would only be a matter of time before the Allies gained the upper hand in air strength in the Pacific. Small comfort, but comfort nonetheless. The Fall of Corregidor was serving as a rallying cry for many back home.

Meanwhile, after the initial ease of the British invasion of Madagascar, Vichy French resistance to the invasion force was stiffening to the point the operation was going into the critical phase. Still, slow gains were being made by British forces.

And hot on the heels of the success with Sugar rationing came news that Tires and Gas were next in line to be rationed. It was inevitable, but at least the notion of “whatever it takes” was front and center on Americans minds.

And that’s just a small slice of what happened, this May 6, 1942 as reported by Alka-Seltzer’s News Of The World.

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