Falklands Progress Report: Score One For Britain – America In The Middle – Conflicting Reports On Cars – April 26, 1982

Falklands Update.
Falklands update – Taking South Georgia.(photo: Imperial War Museum)

ABC World News This Morning – April 26. 1982 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

Report from The Falklands scored one victory for Britain so far. British troops landed on South Georgia, taking the island and around 200 Argentine troops as prisoner. It would be the first of what would become a series of victories for Britain in the coming days, with The Falkland islands themselves as the primary goal, some 800 miles west. The outpost was taken by Royal Marines who landed quickly and established a beach head before reclaiming the island. The action established a land base and harbor to conduct further operations.

Meanwhile, military spokesmen from Buenos Aires denied reports of South Georgia’s capture, saying the island was still in Argentine hands and that fighting was still going on.

In Washington, Argentine Foreign Minister Costa-Mendes was slated to ask the OAS to urge Britain to lift its blockade around the Falklands. Costa-Mendes was not saying whether he would push for sanctions against Britain. The U.S., being a member of the OAS was finding itself in a very delicate position in the current situation, being torn between its longtime ties with Great Britain and its efforts to strengthen relations with Argentina.

And the U.S. Auto industry, amid gloomy figures on new car production and sales, got a boost of optimism from Ford’s Philip Caldwell who told U.S. News and World Report he thought the U.S. car industry would be having new production records set by 1985, maybe even earlier if interest rates come down.

And that’s just a small slice of what went on, along with closely watched news unfolding over the Falklands, this April 26, 1982 as reported by ABC Radio’s World News This Morning.

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