Raids Over Rabaul – Cheering In Rio – Capturing The Imagination In Britain – August 23, 1942

News for this day included reports from Rio de Janeiro, London and the South Pacific were news of Allied raids over Rabaul and much damage inflicted on Japanese air bases. Allied losses were almost none, as it was determined the Japanese were unaware of the raid and were not prepared to set up a defense.

Meanwhile, as the cheering died down in Rio over Brazil’s entry into world war 2 – the cold, harsh reality of what lay ahead became clear. Brazil had been the object of Nazi U-Boat attacks on shipping in recent weeks, the last attack sank a Brazilian ship, killing some 600 aboard. Together with Uruguay, who had also declared war against Berlin and Tokyo, a closer bond between South America and the allies was being formed, which didn’t sit particularly well with Argentina, who had expressed tacit support of the Axis. Brazil sported the largest army in South America and coupled with American anti-submarine planes, it was a formidable ally in the war and it was hoped this could be a persuasion for Argentina to join forces or at least cut ties with Berlin.

London was waking up to the news from Rio and welcomed Brazil with open arms. News of recent developments, including the raid on Dieppe were capturing the imagination in Britain; the possibilities of opening a second front seemed more an more plausible and it was only a matter of time before a clearer picture emerged.

And that’s just a small slice of what happened, this August 23rd 1942 as reported by NBC’s News Of The World.

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