Don Byas – Brew Moore – Ben Webster – Live In Copenhagen – 1965 – Past Daily Downbeat

Don Byas
Don Byas – The solid Summit meeting.

Don Byas – Brew Moore – Ben Webster – Live At Montmarte, Copenhagen – December 9, 1965 – Radio Denmark –

Historic Summit meetings this weekend. Don Byas with Brew Moore, Ben Webster, along with Atli Bjørn on piano, Niels-Henning Pedersen on bass and Alex Riel on drums. Recorded live at the Jazzhaus Montmarte in Copenhagen by Danish Radio on December 9, 1965.

Carlos Wesley “Don” Byas was associated with swing and bebop. He played with Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Art Blakey, and Dizzy Gillespie, among others, and also led his own band. He lived in Europe for the last 26 years of his life.

In September 1946, Byas began his exile in Europe to tour with Don Redman’s big band in Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, and Germany. They were the first civilian jazz big band to tour the continent after the war. After playing in Belgium and Spain, he finally settled in Paris.

While still in Geneva, Byas recorded “Laura” and “How High the Moon”. In December 1946, he recorded for the first time in France, with Redman, Tyree Glenn and Peanuts Holland. He recorded for the Swing and Blue Star labels in 1947, working with Eddie Barclay. In 1947-48, he lived in Barcelona, due to the lower cost of living and the thriving atmosphere. Pianist Tete Montoliu sneaked into the Copacabana Club in Barcelona to hear Byas.

Byas played with Bill Coleman in early 1949; touring that autumn with Buck Clayton. From 1948 onward, Byas became a familiar figure not only around the Saint-Germain-des-Prés in Paris, but also on the Riviera, where he could be seen in Saint-Tropez sporting a mask, tuba, flippers and an underwater spear-gun. Byas collaborated again with Andy Kirk and recorded together on Vogue in 1953. Byas also recorded with Mary Lou Williams in 1953 and Beryl Booker in 1954.

Byas moved to the Netherlands in the early 1950s; in 1955, he married Johanna “Jopie” Eksteen.

He worked extensively in Europe, often with touring American musicians. He also recorded with fado singer Amália Rodrigues during his time in Europe. Byas did not visit the U.S. until 1970, appearing at the Newport Jazz Festival. He died in Amsterdam in 1972 from lung cancer at the age of 59.

You no doubt know Brew Moore, Ben Webster and Niels-Henning Pedersen. This show it’s Don Byas taking center stage.

Enjoy the vibe.

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