June 23, 1982 – Lebanon: A Clash Of Tanks – ERA: A Clash Of Ideologies

ERA - Equal Rights Amendment Demonstrations
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) – down to three states, or it was back to the drawing board, and another eternity.

June 23, 1982 – CBS World News Roundup – Newsbreak – 9:00 am News – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

June 23, 1982. A day of battles and taking to the streets, for a lot of reasons and with a lot of results.

In Lebanon, Israeli and Syrians tanks and artillery, east of Beirut, and in Southern Lebanon near the Syrian border. And Israeli troops clashed with Palestinian guerilla’s outside refugee camps near the Capitol. All of this happened right after Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin returned home from a trip to Washington. A trip which was volatile and argumentative and the scene of a lot of tough-talk between Begin and Members of the House and Senate on Capitol Hill. One of the charges leveled at Israel was alleged use of American made Cluster bombs in Beirut, responsible for killing large numbers of civilians as a result.

The Justice Department charged 18 Japanese businessmen; 6 in the U.S. and 12 in Japan, with conspiring to steal computer secrets from IBM. Denials at first, but then it was revealed Hitachi paid some $540,000 for information they thought was legal. A company spokesman said it was “possible” some over-zealous employees may have been too eager in seeking information. And if that was the case, the company was sorry.

President Reagan‘s attempted assassin John Hinkley Jr. was transferred to St. Elizabeth’s mental Hospital in Washington where he was to be evaluated to see if and when he was sane enough to be released. Hinkley’s parents said they would not seek his freedom until he had recovered to the point he was harmless and responsible. A nationwide sense of outrage had been boiling up, ever since he was declared not guilty by reason of insanity over his attempted assassination of President Reagan in March 1981.

And the Equal Rights Amendment was slated to fade into history. It had been 10 years since Congress approved the measure and 35 states gave their approval. But it was approval by an additional three states needed to make it part of the Constitution that seemed just not to be had. The night before, Illinois law makers rejected ERA again. Florida did the same the day before. And there was only a week left before time ran out.

And that’s a very small slice of what went on this June 23, 1982, as presented by the CBS World News Roundup – Newsbreak and the 9:00 am network news.

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