It’s Hump-Day – So Far, So Good – Past Daily’s Annual Fall Fundraiser

Hump-Day – that unmistakable feeling you have somehow survived and it’s all downhill from here.

Click On The link here to Chip in: Past Daily’s Fall Fundraiser

Wednesday – Hump-Day; the middle of the week. All downhill from here. Not quite breathing-a-sigh-of-relief. but a muffled scream that another crazy week in a crazy world is half over.

It’s also three days into our Annual Past Daily Fall Fundraiser and we’re pretty knocked-out by the outpouring from everyone, all your contributions and encouraging words and telling your friends – it means an incredible amount, especially when you’re trying to do something you aren’t really sure of from time to time.

As you’ve probably noticed, there are a lot of sites around, offering what seems like something pertinent and useful. Click on them and you get assaulted by come-ons, distractions, two paragraphs of nondescript ramblings. blasting audio and visuals from ads that appear from nowhere, holding you prisoner while they ramble on and repeat.

Past Daily isn’t like that – we keep the ads to a minimum and nothing pops out at you.

We also don’t do “fake” news, because the real news in history is strange enough. We stay away from mainstream music because we figure you probably have heard all that anyway. No, Past Daily is the place you go to find out about things, make discoveries, reminder yourself of what’s been happening and what’s new.

So, once a year we do this Fundraiser, and all we’re asking if that you chip in what you. Doesn’t have to be a lot, it can be the price of a cup of coffee or a movie ticket. What you get in return is a daily dose of rare things and interesting things, all from my Archive, available to you for free every day.

If you can, chip in what you can. I know times are strange and times are hard – a lot of people can’t afford very much. And I’m not asking you to chip in if you can’t afford it. But if you can, I am grateful. It takes a lot to keep the site running and the Archive continuing to preserve and restore thousands of hours of history. Equipment breaks down and bills need to be paid – happens every year and we make sure we’re up and running for the rest of it.

Click on the link above, or the link down here: (Past Daily Fall Fundraiser) and give what you can. Your support over the past few days has been amazing and I am blown away by it. Keep it up and tell your friends. Your support is what keeps us alive and telling your friends gets the word out – not only for support, but telling people about us.

So do what you can and help if you feel like it. We’re not going to do this Fundraiser for very long, so we won’t be hounding you all the time.

In the meantime, congratulate yourself – you made to the middle of the week!

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