It’s 1979 – You’re A Teenager – You Live In L.A. – Conformity Just Isn’t You.

You have a problem with authority figures.

KROQ – Mike Rophone – February 28, 1979 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

Face it – conformity ain’t your strong suit. You’ve always had a problem with authority figures; everybody from the Boys V.P. to your gym teacher. They represent the control freaks in your life and are close personal friends of conformity – the people who just want to hassle you, for no other reason than the way you look and the way you think. They pick you out of crowds – you’re the one they go to first when something happens, because they assume you did it. Why? Well . . .you do these things that get them upset. Like the time all the narcs showed up at school, looking through lockers for Quaaludes. You don’t do Quaaludes – maybe Tuinal, but Quaaludes? Nope. They think you and your friends are drug addicts and dope dealers. Just because you hang out behind the cafeteria and smoke dope during lunch doesn’t mean you’re a criminal – right?

Well . . .you have been getting good at five-fingered discounts lately. You’ve figured out how to stuff albums under your jacket at Tower Records and sell them to kids at school for $2.00 each. Of course, the cashier last week was looking at you like you were going to explode. So maybe you should think of something else to do for a while, or go to the Tower in the valley.

Still – you can’t wait to graduate, if you don’t wind up in Continuation first. That’s a year off.

In the meantime . . .there’s always your radio and tunes and KROQ is your go-to station. And you’re wondering how you can lay your hands on the new Barnes & Barnes single . . .

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Here is a three-hour slice of KROQ with the inimitable Mike Rophone holding court exactly as he was heard between 10:30 am and 1:30 pm on February 28, 1979. It’s suggested you hit the play button and dive in, or click on the player and download the little sucker and play it later, or when you are in a 1979 State of Mind.

Works like a charm.

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