August 7, 1995 – Croatia Surrender Offer Falls Through – New Oklahoma City Bombing Theory – Whitewater Probe Starts.

Croatia-Bosnia - August 1995
The view from Croatia: Business as usual (Magnum Photos).
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August 7, 1995 – News from Croatia was not hopeful this day. A much hoped-for surrender offer was turned down at the last minute and it was business as usual in the war-torn region. Croatian soldiers celebrating a victory over Serb rebels may have jumped the gun. The rebels refused to turn over heavy weapons in exchange for safe passage to Bosnia and Serbs resumed their offensive in the Serb held Krajina. There were reports of Croat Army looting refugees property, and Bosnian forces in Bihac had attacked and cut off the only exit route in Bosnian held territory. The route was also said to be under shellfire near the town of Divan. The Croats were claiming four airstrikes on Croatia towns and said they were suspending humanitarian passage of refugees because the Serbs were abusing it. UN officials were worried about the tens of thousands of Serb civilians trapped in Croatia and that their fate looked bleak.

Meanwhile, back home – the lawyer representing Oklahoma City bombing suspect Timothy McVeigh expected a grand jury to indict his client Terry Nichols and Army buddy Michael Michael Fortier by the Friday deadline. But new evidence was pointing to someone else who may be the real bomber. A severed leg wrapped in a military camouflage that was found in the bombing ruins.

The FBI may have a partial set of fingerprints belonging to the Unabomber who was suspected in a series of attacks over seventeen years, that had killed three people and injured 23 others.

And as the Senate was starting up its four week investigation into the death of White House lawyer Vince Foster, the House was opening it’s own Investigation into the Whitewater investigation into whether the Clintons benefitted from the 1980s Arkansas land deal.

And that’s just a sample of what went on, this August 7th 1995 as reported by The CBS World News Roundup.

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