June 8, 2000 – The Microsoft Breakup Fracas – The Wild-Wild Internet – Howling Objections Over AT&T Tactics.

Bill Gates on Capitol Hill
Microsoft’s Bill Gates – not going anywhere without a fight.
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June 8, 2000 – Microsoft, rather than go along with the Justice Department’s breakup order, decided to fight the ruling. The Department of Justice issued a ruling, declaring Microsoft’s dominance of the x86-based personal computer operating systems market constituted a monopoly, and that Microsoft had taken actions to crush threats to that monopoly, including Apple, Java, Netscape, Lotus Software, RealNetworks, Linux, and others. Judgment was split in two parts. On April 3, 2000, he issued his conclusions of law, according to which Microsoft had committed monopolization, attempted monopolization, and tying in violation of Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act.[17] Microsoft immediately appealed the decision.

On June 7, 2000, the court ordered a breakup of Microsoft as its remedy. According to that judgment, Microsoft would have to be broken into two separate units, one to produce the operating system, and one to produce other software components. The issue was far from over and would continue for months.

In other news – The Information Super-highway was taking a turn for the sleazy as a study revealed over half of children between 1 and 17 who surfed the internet were subject to unwanted sexual invitation or pornography. But the study revealed that one in three children were solicited by other children and not the stereotypical “dirty old men” many initially thought. Blocking software accounted for only 3% effectiveness in the flood of dirt.

And a howl of protest prompted AT&T to back off an announced rate restructuring. The company came under sharp criticism when they making much noise over a rate reduction the previous week, while at the same time staying mum over rate increases, affecting millions of customers. Federal regulators said they felt misled by the AT&T tactics.

And that’s just a tiny slice of what went on, this June 8, 2000 as reported by Christopher Glenn and The CBS World News Roundup.

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