July 29, 1948 – A Campaign Address By Henry Wallace – Election 1948 – Past Daily Reference Room

Henry Wallace -  had some radical ideas and some vocal detractors.
Henry Wallace – had some radical ideas and some vocal detractors.
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Henry Wallace Campaign address – July 29, 1948 – NBC Radio – Gordon Skene Sound Collection.

73 years ago. We were in the middle of one of the more hotly anticipated Presidential Elections in recent memory.

Former Secretary of Agriculture and Democratic vice-President under FDR, Henry Wallace broke with his party and formed his own; the Progressive Party and ran for President on a third party ticket.

Despite a groundswell of popularity, winning the White House on a Third-Party ticket would be next to impossible. But Wallace had, at the time, radical ideas – and he was also lambasted by critics for being soft on Communism, at the very least Socialist.

But to get an idea of where Wallace was coming from – to get an idea of the climate of the U.S. at the time -in the grips of a Red Scare, where everyone was at least a little suspect of being subversive – listening to a Henry Wallace campaign talk is a reminder that, most things that make up our political life in America haven’t really changed very much – the ideologies have changed, but the widening gap between haves and have-nots hasn’t. If anything, it’s gotten worse.

And in the age of Bernie Sanders, it’s instructive to listen to someone like Henry Wallace, to get a feel for the fact that some issues just won’t go away – and maybe are destined never to do so.

So as a reminder and a continuation of addresses by Henry Wallace during the 1948 Presidential campaign, here is a campaign address given by Progressive Party Candidate for 1948, Henry Wallace, as given on this July 29th in 1948.

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