Mario Cuomo
Mario Cuomo – Onward to 1984.

November 3, 1982 – CBS World News Roundup – Newsbreak – 9:00 Network News – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

November 3, 1982 – the Mid-Term elections and the morning after. Grinning from ear-to-ear and grinning and bearing it. To the Democrats it was mandate for a change in the Reagan White House – to the Republicans, it was staying the course. Depending on how you looked at it, it was a really-really good night or a really-really bad one.

The bottom line was, Democratic control of the 98th Congress was greater than it was in the 97th. The Democratic pick up was somewhat larger than either party had projected, but close to the historical average for mid-term elections. Among some of the better-known Republicans who won’t be back in 1983, Delaware’s Thomas Evans whose involvement with a Playboy model helped put Democrat Tom Carper in the House. Margaret Heckler of Massachusetts was defeated in a bruising matchup with Barney Frank. In West Pennsylvania, turncoat politician Gene Aktinson, a Kennedy Democrat in 1980 and a Reagan Republican in 1981 was defeated in favor of Democrat Joseph Kolter. And in East Pennsylvania, GOP Freshman Jim Coyne lost out to Peter Kostmayer, who was originally defeated by Coyne in the 1980 Reagan landslide. The Republicans were retaining control of the U.S. Senate, however.

It was a grand night for incuments, as the big-name Democrats retained their seats in the Senate, turning back an unsuccessful assault by candidate from the “New Right”, among them, Kennedy, Sarbanes, Sasser, Metzenbaum, Riegle, all sailed to big victories, as did Democratic veterans Stennis and Burdick.

In other mid-term elections – former California Governor Jerry Brown lost his bid for the Senate to San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson, and Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley lost his bid for Governor to George Deukmejian.

And that’s only a small sample of what went on in the world – and much happened elsewhere, as reported by The CBS World News Roundup – Newsbreak and the 9:00 a.m. hourly news

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