December 14, 1941 – Day Of Infamy Plus Seven – “War Circles The Whole Earth” – America Enlists.

Enlisting – In for the duration.

December 14, 1941 – News reports and bulletins – continuous coverage – NBC Red And Blue Networks – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

December 14, 1941 – Seven days after the Day of Infamy, the gears of war and the call to arms were slowly turning. War, it seemed had broken out over the entire world. As neighborhoods and cities across America began drives to turn in metal scrap for the war effort and news of rationing would become a reality. As Recruiting stations overflowed with those wanting to join the services. As Draft boards and Congress were mulling over the age of draftees, settling for the time on 21-64 and debating whether it should go as low as 18 or 19. Factories were re-tooling and gearing up for round-the-clock war production and radio was broadcasting 24 hours a day, as news was moving too fast to wait and people were clamoring and hanging on for the latest reports.

And while the war was gearing up at home, reports from overseas were cautious, deliberate and optimistic. News from the Pacific that Japanese casualties from the invasion of Luzon in The Philippines were high, that Filipino troops were holding ground and turning back landing parties. That Guam and Wake Islands were under attack but American pilots were sinking Japanese Battle Ships and Destroyers. That Hawaii had no new attacks from Japanese planes in recent hours but that West Coast of the U.S. was on heightened alert. That German and Japanese nationals were being rounded up all over the U.S. and Cuba, suspected of being fifth-columnists. That fears among military officials that the Japanese population in Hawaii had aided in the attack on Pearl Harbor.

All that and much-much more from this 90+ minute excerpt of continuous coverage from the Red and Blue networks of NBC for December 14, 1941.

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