January 12, 1982 – A Hopeful End To Poland’s Martial Law – Weeding Out The Red Brigade – “How Cold Was It?”

Poland - January 1982
Martial Law in Poland – attempting a happy face – failing miserably.

January 12, 1982 – CBS Radio News + Newsbreak – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

January 12, 1982 – Winter just about everywhere. Poland attempting a thaw in domestic relations with the Military government saying they would like to see an end to Martial Law in Poland by February 1st. However, that largely depended on negotiations and that meant including Lech Walesa in talks with trade unions. At the moment, no one knew where Walesa was. But the only thing for certain was that Walesa was talking with Pope John Paul II via telephone to Rome. The Vatican acknowledged those discussions took place as well as receiving messages from Polish premier Jaruzelski. So far it was a hopeful indication of a positive sign over a tenuous situation and an iffy outcome.

And NATO was meeting in Brussels to discus the situation. Since the Polish matter was largely the handiwork of the Soviets, proposing sanctions against Moscow seemed like the logical solution. The Foreign Ministers discussed the possibilities of imposing sanctions in the form of suspending the natural gas pipeline deal between Western Europe and Moscow as a way of breaking the stalemate in Warsaw. Pravda responded by saying such a sanction would cost Europe hundreds of thousands of jobs.

All that talk of sanctions and Solidarity and Martial law in Poland didn’t do anything to dampen the SALT talks between the U.S. and Moscow which resumed this day after the holiday recess.

Italian Police arrested two more suspected Red Brigade terrorist suspects in connection with the kidnapping of U.S. General Dozier. Suspects already jailed were giving up useful information which led to the arrest of these two.

America’s Big Freeze was causing havoc throughout the East and had already claimed 90 lives. It was also creating big worries for the Florida Citrus belt. Temperatures in the area fell to the 20’s and Citrus industry spokespersons said damage was extensive.

And that’s a little of what went on, this January 12, 1982 as reported by CBS Radio News.

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