Bryan’s Magic Tears – In Session – 2019 – Past Daily Soundbooth – Rock Without Borders

Bryan's Magic Tears - in session 2019
Bryan’s Magic Tears – Further evidence music is alive and well and breathing nicely.

Bryan’s Magic Tears – in session for Colletif MU – March 13, 2019 –

Bryan’s Magic Tears – recorded in session for MU Collective on March 13, 2019.

Always happens when you dive into the rabbit hole of new music. You spend hours exploring and you run across “that band”. And you click on their link and it takes you to another link. And that link takes you to still another link. And within an hour you’ve become a fan of at least a dozen new bands you never knew about before.

I have to hand it to Europavox for doing what My Space used to do; get you exploring and put you in serious directions to make some serious and meaningful discoveries. On their homepage they have no less than 800+ new bands and artists listed – each with a page – each with links and each knowing other bands and artists. It can go on for days, if not weeks. It is, for all intents and purposes, an embarrassment of riches. They do for the internet what every great record store used to do; turn you on to new things.

I initially heard about Bryan’s Magic Tears via the ESNS festival page (another website you can, and will, get lost in). One of the cornerstone bands of the French Indie scene, they’ve been gathering an enthusiastic word of mouth for a while now.

Jimmy Batista, writing for the website Born Bad Records, gives a no-nonsense assessment of Bryan’s Magic Tears – here’s a sample of that review:

“A state of mind found pure, intact, limpid, in Bryan’s Magic Tears music, without posture or cynicism, serving insane titles, real hazy hits forged in some triumphant fire, which made their first album, released late 2016 on XVIII Records, one of the most beautiful records (to come out) from the French independent scene in the 2010-2020 season. And we find it again/rediscover it today, even more intense and precise on xxxx, collection of insane hits – “Ghetto Blaster”, “CEO”, “Changes”, we could mention the whole album in truth. A disc cut for those clear and cool days of spring where everything suddenly looks brighter, clearer, more intense. A record that recalls what it is to miss the last train of the day and realize that we are just missing enough to buy a ticket for the next day. A disc evident, indestructible, lunar, romantic, arrogant, phlegmatic and disillusioned. In short, a record for which we would like to be 18 years old again. For how many groups would we be able to say that today?”

You get the idea this is not a band to miss. Hit the play button and crank it up. We’re in good places after all.

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