January 27, 1995 – Barney Frank-Dick Armey: Slip Of Tongues, Raise Of Eyebrows – OJ Simpson: Claims Of Innocence –

Rep. Barney Frank
Representative Barney Frank – He heard worse.

January 27, 1995 – The World Tonight – CBS Radio – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

January 27, 1995 – A Slip of tongues and political stumbles. An uproar over House Majority Leader Dick Armey’s reference to “Barney Fag”, a slur over Democratic Congressman Barney Frank and his publicly admitted homosexuality. Armey immediately walked back the gaffe, claiming he meant to say “Frank” and there was no homophobic intent, but the uproar continued. Barney Frank responded “I’ve heard worse” but that perhaps Armey’s gaffe may have been the proverbial freudian slip. Another day on Capitol Hill.

Meanwhile; over on the West Coast. OJ Simpson Trial prosecutor William Hodgman was released from the hospital. It was originally thought he suffered a heart attack and it was one of the factors which caused Judge Lance Ito to adjourn the trial until the following week. Simpson, for his part was busy touting his book and audiotape; “I Want To Tell You”, which was being released to the public and going on sale this day. The book, based on a series of jailhouse interviews where Simpson proclaimed his innocence was expected to net the former Football player some $900,000 in royalties. But it was looking doubtful how many book stores were planning on carrying the tome. Some said no, but others said they would forward all proceeds from sales to charity. Simpson’s Publisher, Little-Brown denied the release of the book and tape were timed to the murder trial.

And the U.S. and Vietnam were taking a step closer to normalizing relations, some 20 years after the end of the Vietnam War by agreeing to open liaison offices in each other’s capitols. But establishing any diplomatic relations were going to depend on the progress of continuing negotiations.

And that’s just a small slice of what happened this January 27, 1995 as reported by The World Tonight from CBS Radio.

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