February 23, 1946 – Riots In Bombay – An Execution In Manila – Argentina Goes To The Polls.

General Yamashita - 1946
General Yamashita – Tiger of Malaya, sentenced to hang.

February 23, 1946 – Anti-British Rioting was continuing in Bombay for its third day despite surrender of the Indian Navy personnel who were initially responsible for the outbreak. India’s Spiritual leader, Mohandas Gandhi appealed to the nation to stop the violence. One thousand American troops on leave in Calcutta were evacuated to safety while British troops sought to quell anti-British riots in which thirty-two persons were killed and 300 were injured.

In Manila, Japanese General Yamashita, dubbed The Tiger of Malaya, was executed by hanging along with two of his subordinate officers for war crimes and atrocities committed by troops under Yamashita’s command. At dawn, the general along with Lieutenant Colonel Ota, who was commander of the Military Police in Manila and a civilian interpreter who were also convicted of atrocities were hanged shortly after Yamashita.

And Argentina heads to the polls for the first time since 1937 to elect a President. Running for office was Col. Juan Perón the former vice-President who was supported by the military and labor Party and José Tamborini who had the backing of a four-party Leftist coalition, known as The Democratic Union and who was expressing confidence in victory. Some 2,500,000 of Argentina’s 14,000,000 people will vote in the first Presidential election to be held in eight years. On the basis of the campaign it can be predicted that the balloting will be violent.

And that’s a small slice of what happened, February 23, 1946 as reported by The NBC World News Roundup.

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