May 18, 1987 – Pentagon: “28 American Sailors Are Dead” – Aftermath Of The USS Stark Incident – Fiji: “Who’s In Charge?” .

USS Stark damage
USS Stark after the attack. New revelations by the minute –

May 18, 1987 – CBS World News Roundup – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

May 18, 1987 – News from the Persian Gulf and the aftermath of the attack on the USS Stark, a Navy Frigate that sustained considerable damage and the loss of 28 sailors. The USS Stark was part of the Middle East Task Force assigned to patrol off the Saudi Arabian coast near the Iran–Iraq War exclusion boundary. It was learned that two Exocet missiles were fired by an Iraqi jet and hit the ship. The first Exocet missile struck the port side of the ship near the bridge. Although it failed to detonate, rocket fuel ignited and caused a large fire that quickly spread throughout the ship’s post office, storeroom, and the critical combat operations center (where the ship’s weapons are controlled). The second Exocet also struck the port side, 30 seconds later. This missile detonated, leaving a 10 by 15 ft. hole in the frigate’s left side.

The Pentagon confirmed that, as of news time, 28 sailors were dead. In addition, six were injured seriously enough to require hospitalization. Next of kin were being contacted. The White House reported Iraq’s ambassador in Washington expressed regret and indicated Sadaam Hussein ordered a full investigation of the incident.

Meanwhile, in Fiji: Five days after a military coup, people are still wondering who’s in charge, and with good reason; the local radio was putting out conflicting statements – one from the Governor General saying the military coup was illegal and unconstitutional and at the same time a statement from the Rebel military leader that he had been sworn in by the Governor General as the head of the country.

And this day in South Korea marked the seventh anniversary of riots in Kwanju, scene of government crackdowns on dissent and seven years later the issues were strikingly similar. The decision by the nation’s ruling party to literally shut out opposition when a new President was slated to be selected later on in the year. Police were on the highest state of alert and arrested thousands of dissidents before the weekend in an attempt to diffuse the expected demonstrations. It didn’t work completely. The riots in Kwanju seven years earlier took over 200 lives and anger was still palpable.

And that’s a little of what happened, this May 18th in 1987 as reported by the CBS World News Roundup.

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