To say Wire were ahead of their time is putting it mildly.

– Wire – in session for John Peel – October 3, 1978 – BBC Radio 1 –

Wire, in their second session for John Peel tonight – recorded on September 20, 1978 and broadcast on October 3rd. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say, my own opinion, that Wire was (and still is, but we’re talking about 1978 here) one of the most innovative and consistently engaging bands of the Punk/Post-Punk period. I know people will argue and say bands like The Clash were the only ones who mattered, but Wire for me was something else. They played Music you could think about, that stayed with you – a lot of it was haunting, particularly during their Wire 183 period. They were considered, by many to be one of the most important bands of the Punk/Post-Punk era and that estimation is more than true.

I remember, of all the newly released singles I would listen to during that period of the 70s, I Am The Fly, Question Of Degree, Dot-Dash were consistent replays – above everything else. There was something about that band which spoke to me. Maybe it was the controlled chaos, maybe it was seething energy they conveyed – maybe it was the twist and turn of phrase that left a lasting impression. I don’t know.

All I know, is that listening to this session again, after some 38 years, the energy hasn’t dissipated – it still demands repeated listening. And that says a lot.

At any rate – you may feel differently and you may totally disagree. But like I said, it was how it struck me on a personal level at the time, and still does.

If you aren’t familiar with Wire – check them out and check out this session. And definitely put them on your must-see list when they’re next on the road. In the meantime, play this one loud.

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