The Real People In Concert – 1992 – Past Daily Soundbooth

The Real People
The Real People‘s Tony and Chris Griffiths – that unmistakable feeling they wuz robbed.

– The Real People – Live at Middlesborough Town Hall – 1992 – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

When the 90s exploded in this huge ball of talent, one of the bands I felt would have a huge impact on the music world were The Real People. Before Oasis and Blur came on the scene, The Real People were the ones fans and the press were watching. Their S/T Debut lp, produced by Stephen Street, featured all songs written by Tony and Chris Griffiths, founders of the band. It was one of the best albums of the early 90s and established the band with a solid fan base. Ironically, it would be the Griffiths Brothers who would give Oasis the boost they needed. Noel Gallagher, who was a roadie for Inspiral Carpets at the time, was getting Oasis together and asked The Griffiths Brothers for help with their demo. What happened after that became history. Oasis, along with Blur (who were also produced by Stephen Street, making for a lot of sonic similarities between Blur and Real People albums), grabbed center stage and The Real People fell, inextricably into the background.

The band were put on hold, while Tony and Chris established themselves as hit songwriters, their work being recorded by a number of acts. In 2006 the band performed one-off benefit concert and it went down so well they’ve kept it going.

They are still regarded as one of the pivotal bands of the early 90s and their cult status extends to the bands they initially helped get started.

This concert catches them at the high-point in their success, they were still issuing singles from their debut album and were getting ready to work on a follow-up album.

One of the truly influential bands in the early 90s. If you missed them the first time around, get acquainted with them now – this concert is a good starting-off point. If they were one of your favorite bands, this concert will kick off a ton of fond memories. Luckily for everyone, they’re still at it.

Crank this one up.

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