Germany: Pointing Fingers Of Blame – Russia Claims Neutrality – Britain Expresses Confidence – March 31, 1940

Germany - March 1940
Germany – March 1940 – The war was everybody else’s fault.

News Of The World – March 31, 1940 – NBC Red Network – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

Word from Germany this day was a much-publicized pointing of fingers. According to most of the German newspapers and Berlin Radio, the war was everyone’s fault but theirs, and it ran the gamut.

According to Germany, the fault lay squarely on Britain, France and Poland. America was also singled out with fingers pointed directly at the banking sector and specifically the Jewish banking sector whom Berlin claimed were actively fanning the flames of war, forcing Germany to defend itself. Somewhere in the barrage of accusations, the immigrant population were roundly blamed for acts of sabotage and pressing for war on all fronts. It was also reported Germany executed 6 accused saboteurs and spies in the last 24 hours.

And, also according to Berlin, Russia was strictly neutral in this battle of action and words. Everything Germany was doing, as of March 1940 was acting out of self-defense.

Needless to say, the propaganda machine in Germany was working overtime in an attempt to lay blame everywhere and assume none of it anywhere.

Observers were having doubts about Russia’s claim to neutrality as they were also doubting other countries claiming likewise and shipping raw materials to Germany for the war effort. It was the prevailing feeling that those countries could not claim neutrality while aiding Germany; it was an either/or situation. It was also urged that Britain tighten its blockade of Germany, even if it meant the supposed Neutrals would also be affected. There were also calls for America to stop sending military aid to Russia as it was felt the Russians were sending that aid to Germany.

Britain, for its part was confident as Lend-Lease was providing much needed aid in food and military equipment. There were also reports a German Dornier bomber was shot down over Britain earlier in the day as well as a report that the Czech volunteer army had finished training and would be sent shortly to France as part of the British Army.

All that, and a lot more for this last day of March in 1940 as reported by NBC’s News Of The World.

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