Neil Young - Songs for uncertain times.
Neil Young – Songs for uncertain times.

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With all the chaos going on this week, this one just seemed like the only alternative tonight.

Neil Young in a solo session at The BBC, recorded on February 23, 1971. I’ve heard Neil Young a lot over the years, but this particular session has something special about it, and it’s been one of my favorite live performances of his. Pretty much a stripped down, no frills intimate get together with just him and his words.

Considering how insane it’s been, there is something soothing and reassuring about this one tonight.

Turn down the sound on the TV and crank this one up. It all makes much better sense that way.


Articles: 12576

One comment

  1. Definitely one of my favorite BBC sessions too. You got great taste in sound, or would that be great sound in taste. Either way, it’s definitely on of Neil’s best session. Thanks, peace.

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