Bill Callahan – Live At Evening Pocket, Paris – Nights At The Roundtable: Mini-Concert Edition

Bill Callahan - in a word, mesmerizing.
Bill Callahan – in a word, mesmerizing.

Click on the link here for Audio Player – Bill Callahan – live at Evening Pocket, Paris – April 10, 2014 – Arte France

It’s easy to draw comparisons where Music is concerned, in fact it’s easy to draw comparisons in every art form. Someone says or plays something and it’s evocative of someone else.

I could say that listening to Bill Callahan I am instantly drawn into comparisons of people like Fred Neil or, to a more subtle extent, Nick Drake. Truths to tell, that’s great company to be compared with. But Bill Callahan comes with a fresh point of view. His words and his music draw the listener in to a gorgeous tapestry of images, and his songs linger in the mind for a very long time after hearing them. Proof of a successful performance is when it sticks in your mind and refuses to go anywhere else. That’s good stuff.

Tonight it’s a “house concert” from Bill Callahan. Dubbed Evening Pocket (Soirèe de Poche in French) by Arte France, it’s part of a series of intimate concerts coming from Paris which feature an incredible array of talent from all over the world, in a one-on-one setting. It’s incredibly successful, and I know the House Concert concept is not new and is done all over, but Arte France have been faithfully recording them and it’s a wonderful treasure of unique and compelling performances you really have to see and experience.

In the meantime, here is Bill Callahan, playing to a full house, recorded just a few days ago (on April 10th), and offering a spellbinding and truly engaging set. He’s currently on tour in Europe for the Summer and his website is loaded with goodies and records. Pay them a visit.


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