Soup Dragons – In Session 1986 – Nights At The Roundtable: Session Edition

Soup Dragons - glimpse of New-Psych to come.
Soup Dragons – glimpses of New-Psych to come.

. . . or click on the link here for Audio Player – Soup Dragons – In session for John Peel – Dec. 7, 1986 – BBC Radio 1

Early Soup Dragons tonight. From a session recorded on December 7, 1986. Started in 1985, they were a Scottish Alternative band with leanings towards the burgeoning Psych revival, they adopted the Baggy sound later on, and their popularity skyrocketed in the late 80s.

Tonight it’s one of their first sessions – and it’s all covers. They open with Our Lips Are Sealed, made a hit by The Go-Go’s. And then do a cover of The Kid’s Are Alright (The Who) and end with Purple Haze.

A band in their formative stages, with two singles to their credit; the second being their breakout Whole Wide World. They were on the rise, but hadn’t hit the top just yet.

Together for 10 years before calling it a day and going off to other bands, Soup Dragons did leave their mark on the Alternative scene with four albums and a slew of singles.

And to refresh your memory, hit play and crank it up.

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