Nicaragua Aid – Hurricane Bonnie – Debating South Africa Sanctions – Rumors Of Terrorist Bombing In Madrid – June 26, 1986

Nicaragua – on the verge of scandal – in the midst of ideologies.

June 26, 1986 – CBS World News Roundup – Gordon Skene Sound Collection –

June 26, 1986 – A busy news day, both home and abroad. Starting with news on the first Hurricane of the season; Hurricane Bonnie, which landed in Port Arthur at 85 miles an hour and quickly dropped in intensity to a tropical storm, though not enough to stop widespread flooding and tornadoes from appearing throughout Texas and areas in Bonnie’s path. Hurricane season was promising to be “interesting” this year.

On Capitol Hill, an aid package was approved by Congress and sent to President Reagan to sign. The package, which the House passed, 221- 209 would send $100 million to Nicaragua Contras. To win passage of the package, Reagan put his personal prestige on the line, lobbying to the very last and wound up winning by a greater than expected margin; 12 votes. The Presidents plan beat back a Democratic initiative that would have delayed military aid to Nicaragua Contras for at least 90 days, but they said the President was just too persistent with many Democrats saying it was now “Ronald Reagan’s War – he’s gotten everything he’s asked for”. The bill was heading to the Senate, who must approve the package, but which was expected to encounter few difficulties before it hit President Reagan’s desk within a few days.

Foreign Ministers of the European community were gathering in The Hague to debate the issue of South Africa sanctions. All agreed that something must be done to encourage the White regime to negotiate with Black leaders. But they were deeply divided over what to do. Britain’s Margaret Thatcher was leading the fight against economic sanctions, saying it would hurt Blacks the most, favoring instead a high level mission to South Africa. Some of the smaller European countries wanted to cut all trade ties. In the two weeks of negotiations, reaching a common position had been unsuccessful, the Foreign Ministers tried again, but again failed. It was now up to the heads of governments themselves to sort it out.

And reports of a terrorist bombing at the Madrid International Airport were arriving during news time. No other details, aside from reports of casualties from a bomb explosion at an undisclosed airline counter.

And that’s just a little of what went on, this June 26, 1986 from The CBS World News Roundup.

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