February 5, 1944 – German Occupation And French Resistance – The Allies In Italy.

France under Occupation
Suspected French Resistance operative questioned by Police. Everybody was under suspicion.
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February 5, 1955 – News during this weekly capsule of goings on in the war centered around rumors of French resistance fighters creating a goodly amount of havoc among the German occupation forces in France. The Resistance movement was widespread and gaining; all towards what would eventually be an invasion by Allied forces on France itself. Much of the gaining popularity was due in no small part to the Italian campaign and how allied forces were making slow-but-sure gains.

The story of the resistance operation in France was one of great sacrifice along with a fatalist outlook that no quarter was asked for and no quarter was given. Hence, the German occupation forces were busy rounding up suspected operatives and doling out instant death or carting the suspects off to one of the Concentration camps in Germany or in forced labor at one of the German-run French factories now tooled for war production. It also meant French collaborators, those actively assisting the occupation forces were targets of assassination and carried out with exact precision by members of the Maquis, the French Resistance. It was a secret war, for the most part. And it took place, not only on the streets of Paris, but in the small rural towns throughout the country; every possible element or function that could be used by the German occupation forces was up for destruction by the resistance.

The program also includes interviews with two American fighter pilots, carrying out missions over France and Germany. Last minute bulletins included word that Russian forces had recaptured two Polish towns on their push west.

And that’s a little of what went on, this February 5, 1944 as reported by NBC Red Network’s War Telescope program.

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