August 3, 1993 – The Peace Talks In Geneva – The Floods In Missouri – The Economic Package In The Oval Office.

Alija Izetbecovic - Bosnian President
Bosnian President Alija Izetbecovic at the Geneva peace talks – The diplomatic migraine.
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August 3, 1993 – The Great Flood of 1993 was raging on without letup. The latest in emergencies was in the direction of historic St. Genevieve, Missouri where flood waters were rapidly heading for a crest of 49 feet. Residents were asked, then warned, then ordered to evacuate. Overnight the worst appeared to have passed and many were cautiously optimistic that the town would be safe after all – but no one was taking any chances. The big concern for this day was whether or not the levees would be holding out.

In other news; the situation in Bosnia was the subject of talks in Geneva, and those talks were frustrating at best. When scolded about truce violations by the infuriated international mediators Lord Owen and Thorvald Stoltenberg, the Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic blithely replied that his men were acting in self-defense, while Alija Izetbegovic, Bosnia’s Muslim President, called for an independent inquiry into massacre charges against his forces just as images of mutilated Croat corpses came across Swiss television screens.

This is what Lord Owen calls “negotiating with one hand tied behind your back.” He means that ever since the mediators began their search for a settlement, the great powers have made clear they are not willing to give them real military muscle.

Trade sanctions and relief aid notwithstanding, the parties to the war have been left free to grab land while talking peace because no one has backed up demands for a settlement with a clear threat of armed intervention. Meanwhile, the civil war was grinding on and people were stilly dying.

And the domestic economic news was in the spotlight. The Clinton Economic package was facing tough opposition from both sides of the aisle and even the AARP. So the President was slated to go on television this evening to present his case to the American people in the hopes the constituents of those lawmakers voting aginst the package would be swayed into voting for it.

And that’s a tiny fraction of what was going on, this August 3, 1993 as reported by The CBS World News Roundup.

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